As your local Skincare Superhero, use these Skin-thusiast secrets to add value when saving your customers skin. With your added value to your business, they will think that you’re the real Wonder Woman...
- Don’t touch your face! Touching your face will quickly spread bacteria from your hands resulting in breakouts and skin problems.
- Always make time for yourself, stress sets off hormones that cause acne. Less stress increases the oxygen flow which reduces flare-ups.
- Remove your make-up at bedtime to unclogg the pores, remove bacteria and help keep your skin looking healthy.
- Lack of sleep can cause increased oil production and enlarged pores. Be sure to aim for at least seven hours of beauty sleep a night.
- Exercise gives your face a healthy glow by increasing the blood flow. When you sweat, it clears the toxins and removes the dead skin cells.
A good skincare routine is essential and it is the most fool-proof way to get your skin back on track. Once you have found your ideal routine...(please see previous post if you need help with this), stick to it! Consistency and commitment is key to a clear and glowing complexion. If you are kind and rewarding to your skin it will do the same in return.
We are very excited to have received a skincare review from Kathy Freeman who has had great results. Kathy has been consistently following her skincare routine and now has amazing results to be proud of!
We are very excited to have received a skincare review from Kathy Freeman who has had great results. Kathy has been consistently following her skincare routine and now has amazing results to be proud of!
Just wanted to share this. I'm 62 years old. I've been using the following routine morning and night, CONSISTENTLY for about 8 months now. Here is my daily routine: Every morning - clean my face, apply one pump - Hyaluronic Serum, apply one pump - Vitamin C Serum, apply UltraDerm Cream. Every night - Clean my face, apply one pump - Vitamin C Serum, apply Collagen Night Cream. The first picture is from 7 years ago...the second picture is from Easter Sunday a couple of weeks ago, LOVE ACTI skin care!
By Kathy Freeman
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